Friday, October 30, 2009

Kildare Steiner School –our journey

Since our relocation from Dunshane to this magnificent site just outside Dunlavin, the school community has worked together to create a place of beauty in which our children can be educated.

Our St John’s festival on June 26th marked a seminal point in that journey as we hosted a bustling and happy Open Day for all our families and a host of guests. The sun shone down on us as a number of last year’s projects, including the artistic Cob Oven finally came into their own. The barbecue was steaming as friends and guests helped themselves to lovely organic salads, breads and deserts. There was a real carnival atmosphere, helped along by our very own Dorly, on fiddle, with her fellow musicians and a hardy bunch of set dancers…the bonfire was also a big hit with children and adults alike…

As at the end of term we have a thriving little school with 24 children in the kindergarten (3 and a half to 6 years) and 26 children in the main school (across two classrooms), enabling us to keep our classes small and focused. We would like to see the school grow and develop further next year, and in fact we will have dedicated Class One, reflecting ten children moving up from the kindergarten to the main school. We intend to develop our polytunnel further and continue to enhance the now lovely parent ands toddler garden by having more sessions in that area. So…if you are a family with pre-school children who would like to get to know the school, why not come along to parent and toddler and experience the wonder of the Steiner approach first hand? You WILL find it interesting and appealing…..Alternatively if your child is currently in a mainstream school and you are considering a transfer, now is a good time to pursue that, so give is a call on 045 401919- or call me as I am handling enrolment and can talk about the transfer experience, having moved my own son here after third class- Angie Ruane
Hatmore Park,
July 2009.

Dear Edior,
On a recent visit home to BME I read you June edition. You commented on the shortage of birthdays. Perhaps I can help.
In the month of April three members of your community reached 65 years, OAP staus. Francie Deegan, Jim (Bumps) Winders and John Kelly. Yours truly on May 1st. In July John Brown.
Then you have John (Jack) McDonald who hits the big 60 on August 28th. Vincent McDonald celebrates on August 27th. Christopher McDonald 26th July.
Happy Birthday One and All!

Mary McLaughlin.

PS In fact the class of ’58 should reach OAP status this year, Margaret, Nuala and many ore who I don’t know their married names.
God Bless, love the Bugle. MM


Readers, I thought as a member of the KTK Kildare County Council Projects Liaison Committee, I should give you an update on the current applications and payments to date. Unfortunately, I am sometimes as much in the dark as you, despite being a member of the said committee! Communications and scheduled meetings initially were poor with regular cancellations, no follow up correspondence and very little written confirmations to committee members from Kildare County Council.

Things improved when Ann Rowan, Senior Executive Officer with KCC took over the management of the KTK Fund Committee but with the recent local elections and new council sub committees to be established, we have fallen into ‘no-man’s land’ again but hopefully, this is only a short recess. A quick ‘re-cap’ on funds paid out to date:

From the files it appears that the Tidy Towns submitted 3 applications in 2007 – for seating, surfacing of pathways and fencing along the River Walk. From what I remember, the surfacing of the River Walk pathway was not considered as comprehensive resurfacing of this area will be carried out on the completion of new sewerage treatment plant (Don’t ask, the sewerage saga would make the Bible look like a short story). The Tidy Towns received €1,000.

The Tidy Towns furthermore were passed to receive €2,000 for street signage in 2008.
Liffey Heights Residents Association received €1,000

Ballymore Eustace Historical & Heritage Society received €4,000 for the printing of an historical book later this year which includes comprehensive photographic and editorial. The society hope to launch the book in September/October and hopefully, will do well with pre-Christmas sales.It appears from Kildare County Council records that in June 2008, we, the committee discussed and approved agrant of €500 to the Parish Board of Management (Church) but this money does not appeared to have been paid. All amounts under €1,000 once confirmed by the committee do not have to be approved by the Naas Area Committee (County Councillors) so why the group never received the money is a mystery.

In recent months, the Naas Area Committee have approved:Scoil Mhuire – ‘Suimhneas Garden’ - €5,000.Ballymore Eustace Band Hall Committee - €10,000 for resurfacing of the Bandhall car park, as one of the first applications received, this group have been a bit unfortunate with further requests for information, updated quotations submitted and misplaced. Now finally, the money has been approved but there isn’t enough in the fund to cover the amount granted. Kevin Keenan stressed in a meeting earlier this year that he would only pay outstanding levies into the fund when he saw some positive action from Kildare County Council and the committee! I have every confidence that Tommy Dwyer will blow the ear off Kevin until KTK submit further monies……….To date, a payment of €10,000 has been received from KTK and an estimated balance of €69,264.29 is outstanding. KTK confirmed this figure in March and Kildare County Council have since written to them requesting payment.However, in an email I received from Ann Rowan in reply to queries for this article, I note Ann wrote the following “The payments to the School and the Band Hall can only be made when money is received from KTK (and confirmation from the bodies that the work has been carried out).” When work has been carried out???? This was never a stipulation of the conditions of the fund and I have confirmed same with Billy Hillis who was formerly the chairperson and past member of the KTK levy committee. “How could community groups have the work carried out before they received the grant?” I will raise the matter with Ann Rowan this week but won’t have the reply in time for this month’s Bugle edition.Further applications to be reviewed:

Tidy Towns/Fas Storage Facility
Application submitted by James Pearse/Tidy Towns to erect a Tiglin prefabricated building on the old library site, intended for storage of tools and machinery, meeting area and shelter, toilet facilities etc. Previously, a wonderful plan was drawn up by Des Kennedy Jnr but was ‘scrapped’ by the CDA due to lack of funding or sponsors.

BME Trout & Salmon Anglers AssociationProposing to carry out habitat improvements to the feeder streams of the Liffey. “They would need to contact the Fisheries Board before any action is taken” – Ann Rowan.Bme Gaa
“Initially they sought grants of up to €30,000 for 4 projects, but we have sought further clarification.” – Ann Rowan.Ann advises me that “We cannot schedule a meeting until the council has elected members to the committee. We will let you know.” Willie Callaghan was re-elected to KCC in the local elections but JJ Power was not and they were the last serving members of KCC. It’s a bit much for the existing five members of Athy electoral area and Naas electoral area not to be invited to select 2 members to sit on this committee……………and so, the saga continues. I honestly thought we had approved a few smaller applications over the past few years but the recorded minutes of the meetings are basic. Please, if you applied to the fund via The Bugle but heard nothing back, let Mike Edmonds or I know as Mike is also a community representative sitting on the committee.

Off The Cutting Edge
By Pastor R. Dunlop
The fact that the title of this piece is posed as a question rather than an assertion indicates that there are different views on the subject.
We have come through such a series of tribunals and enquiries, low standards in high places, that we are tempted to think that corruption is endemic. It is more than easy to slip into the habit of being economical with the truth. There is something of a paradox in the fact that dishonesty was rampant in times of plenty and still lingers now that the downturn has come.
A great deal hangs on what set of ethics governs behaviour.
The spectrum may be stretched from white lies to complicity with falsehood, and eventually to barefaced perjury. The saying that a person is lying “through their teeth” is heard quite frequently.
Historically, the Quakers and the Amish people refused to swear an oath on the Bible and took seriously the injunction “Let your Yea be yea and your nay, nay”.
Honesty in all life’s dealings and relationships is an honourable aspiration.
1. It builds up communal integrity and accountability.
2. It creates an inner peace and sense of wellbeing. Those who tell the truth sleep with an easy conscience; while it may cost them materially to stand by the truth, ultimately they will enjoy a calmed mind.
3. It lays out an example for the upcoming generation.
Dishonesty often passes down the familial line but it should not be forgotten that truth-telling is contagious.
4. It spreads the responsibility of civil society in areas such as taxation and maintenance of essential services. Citizens are right when they expect honesty and integrity from those who hold the reins of political power, whether nationally or locally.
5. Democracy, when working well should ensure that there is mutual honesty between the ruler and the ruled.
6. Although it may mean flowing against the stream, there is every reason to make a good case for the maxim “ Honesty IS the best policy”.

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