Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Aidan Kinsella, Taekwon-do King!
Congratulations to Aiden Kinsella of Mouncashel who finished 2nd in the I.T.F. International Taekwon-do Tournament 2007. The competition was held in Tramore on Sunday 14th October with Aidan competing in the Under 4th Degree Black Belt Category. (haven’t a clue what that means but it sounds impressive!).
Aidan was beaten by reigning European and World champion – not bad for an ‘oul’ fella’ of 37….
Welly Men beat the Ladies
By some miracle, it didn’t rain on the October Bank Holiday Sunday after 3 o’clock and the annual fundraiser between Ballymore Ladies and the ‘Dream Team’ from Paddy’s went ahead.
Whatever idea we may have had about the boys going easy on us after our heartbreaking final the week before was quickly shattered. The Welly Men were proudly led out by captain Mikey Reid and accompanied by a banjo player. The abuse started before the throw-in and the girls tried to concentrate on what they do best – play football.
Jack Doyle was once again the referee and had his hands full, eventually sending off a number of the boys in the 2nd half. It was a close physical game and the sides were tied for long periods. However 2 jammy goals (which probably shouldn’t have been allowed anyway!) gave the Dream Team the advantage. The girls tried to get back at them but this year Brendan actually showed he does have some goalkeeping skill!! After a 45 minute 2nd half the Welly Men won the match by 4 points.

Over 3 years and 3 games, that’s 2-1 to the boys. We won’t be losing next year - we’ll be enforcing all rules, including wearing of wellies by all players on the Dream Team!!

Michael Lawlor got into the fundraising spirit, organising a €500 bet for the match.
Betting in support of a win for the ladies were Willie Clarke, Paul Fagan, Paul O’Donoghue, Shay Conway and Mick Gill from Liffey Transport.
Thanks to everyone involved.

All who supported the event up at the field and in Paddy’s afterwards
All of the local business who gave raffle prizes and the people that provided the jerseys for auction
The Dream Team for being so ‘competitive’!
Martin Byrne and Christy Dennison for taking photos
Stephen Byrne for recording the game
Caoimhe and Cian for providing refreshments at the game
Pa Fisher for the Barbeque
DJ Murt for keeping us moving back in the pub
Pat Murphy for allowing us to hold the event in Paddy Murphy’s
John Hubbard – our auctioneer

Underage Football with Eadestown
Teresa Gorman and Cleo Hubbard competed at U-15 level with Eadestown over the autumn. They were also playing with Ballymore Ladies during this time..god bless their energy!
The 2 Ballymore girls are joined by Sheena Hubbard and Marilena Norton in the Minor B Championship. They had their first game on Sunday 4th November, losing to Ballykelly. They have remaining games against Naas, St Laurences and Kilcullen in a tough championship group.

Ballymore Eustace GAA Club Juvenile Football & Hurling

The News: This years coaching sessions has finished for both hurling and football. A hurling blitz for U8 & U10's took place in BME on Sat. 27th Oct. with teams from Blessington, Stratford, Naas and Ballymore taken part. The finals of the Village Football Leagues were held on Sun. 4th Nov. There was an U12's (40 players) and an U8's league (48 players) broken into 4 teams in each.
The Hurling Blitz
The U8 teams played two games while the U10's played three games each. The final scores in all the matches were close and all the players taken part really enjoyed themselves. Steve Deegan made sure there was plenty of drinks and treats for the players afterwards while a welcome cup of tea or coffee was available for the adults. Tom Daly had the grass cut nice and short for the day which is very important for hurling. The blitz was organised by Michael Neary (Hurling Development Officer for West Wicklow & North Wexford) and Martin Kelleher. A special thanks must go to M. Neary for including Ballymore in these blitz's as they were the main source of games for the teams this summer.
Stratford U10
Stratford U8
Well done to Steve Carter who has just completed a hurling coaching course in Naas. Steve along with Martin Kelleher, Johnny Murphy, Noel Thompson, Steve Deegan, Eoghan Barrett, James Noone, Alan Gilroy etc. will welcome the winter break. The reward for all the hard work done in the field by the players and mentors is clear to be seen from the skill level demonstrated by all the players in the blitz matches.
Naas U8
Blessington U8
Spot the BME lads
Ballymore Eustace U10 Blessington U10

Coaching motto: Children first, winning second
Ballymore Eustace GAA Club Juvenile Football & Hurling

The Village League Finals Attention Girls only.
Age 8 to 11 interested in playing GAA. Training in the Handball Alley at 6:30pm 22nd & 29th Nov. If nos. are sufficient a girls only football team will be set up in springtime. Bring Runners
The Village League
After 6 weeks of matches with semi-finals and finals on the last day; Sligo, managed by Paul Murphy, and Waterford, managed by Michael Horan, emerged as the winners. There was also a very exciting exhibition match played by the U-6 players which was organised by Alan Gilroy and Sean Murphy. This was a very enjoyable day for all those who took part and was a fitting end
to what has been a very successful year for the Juvenile Club.

Coaching motto: Children first, winning second


Congratulations to our 3 ALL-STARS:

Clubman of the Year: Eugene Gilroy
Eugene has done tremendous work with the club this year – totally involved and dedicated to the local club. One of our most committed members, we would like to wish Eugene the best of luck in his retirement from CLG.

Senior Player of The Year: Kevin McNally
Ace goalkeeper saved some cracking shots in this year’s Intermediate campaign and led by example with his hard work and commitment to the club all year round.

Young Player of The Year: Kevin Murphy
Kevin was the most improved young player during the year and showed a lot of dedication, turning up at every training and every match including Senior, Junior and U21.

The Club wish to express our deepest sympathy to Ella and Pat Fitzpatrick and family on the death of their son, Thomas. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

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