Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tim’s Diary
Brought to you this month by Mary Lou McDonald. Hello Mary Lou Goodbye Lisbon.

So the motion is lost. We are all in trouble. Elsewhere you will read others take on the Lisbon adventure. I have a slightly different take on it. I think part of the No vote was against arrogance. The arrogance of the current Taoiseach. Over the last number of weeks he has proved just how arrogant power can make a person, Last month threatening members of his own party who would dare to oppose the motion with expulsion, today telling us that he must respect the wishes of the democratic majority. Democracy, my arse, a wise old solicitor friend of mine once told me “democracy, it is all right as long as you don’t let it get in on you.” The arrogance of Mr. Kenny, Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Gormley (how quickly he has forgotten his background) there was no arrogance form Ms.Harney, not because she is not arrogant, just that she didn’t open her mouth during the (so- called) campaign. How much do we mirror our near neighbours at the moment? The fate of Mr. Cowen may well match Mr. Brown., man that sounds like Reservoir Dogs. The poster campaign of the “Yes” side was pathetic lovely airbrushed images of the local councillor, T.D. or whoever, exhorting us, while the “No” side got the message across in one-liners.

Fr. Breen has commenced on the mammoth task of visiting each house in the parish. He made a start in Tipperkevin and tells me that he got a great welcome everywhere he went. And sure why wouldn’t he?
Ona a recent visit the O’Byrne siblings struggled to keep up with Mam & Dad, Brigid and Des, on hike through Glendalough recently. B & D were on a world tour, of Ireland, starting with a gathering of the mighty O’Byrne clan in Churchtown, a visit to the West, which included the Burren. They were accommodated by Anne Tutty in Hollwood for their eastern sojourn and are moving with amazing speed for a couple of old fogies…..
On a (very) personal note my nephew Leonard, the very apple of his Daddy’s eye, got a kidney transplant at thee end of last month and is making as they say in work, a bleedin rapid recovery. I know that he will enjoy the following yarn, told to me by Mr.Joe O’Callaghan. A fiend of Joes went on “Stars in their Eyes” a few years ago. You remember the programme hosted by Matthew Kelly where the victims pretend to be the star of their choice. The man, Simon, was asked by Matthew about his life. He told him that he had been in an industrial accident and had his lower body, from just above his arse removed. Luckily, his uncle was gravely ill and donated his lower half to him. In a ground breaking operation they were able to put this man back together again. When asked who he was going to be he said, “Tonight Matthew, I am going to be Simon & Halfuncle.
We celebrate another big family occasion when nephew Tim in London, celebrates his fortieth birthday. Now that does make me feel old.
Tim Grace asks me to remind you all that the Annual Summer outing for the Senior Citizens takes place on Saturday 28th of June, leaving the Square, for Galway at 9 a.m. sharp. Names to the Post Office or any member of the committee.
Mary Campbell would also like to remind you that the annual Cemetery Mass and blessing of graves will take place in St. Mary’s on Monday 21st July at 8 p.m. You may want to attend to your family plot.

It was ten years ago this month…..
The U-10’s winning Division 4 Final mead front page news in June 1998. Looking at the team photo showing the small boys who are now fine young men shows just how quickly time passes. The Tidy Towns were organizing a competition within the village for the bet maintained areas. For the carnivores amongst you Londis had chicken nuggets at 25 for £1.79 and four ¼ lb. burgers for £0.99. A young fella had a poem in for the first time about a Ballymore Childhood. Rose’s profile of Dick McKnight at seventy years of age. A photo shows the lineup of Ballymore Boxing club under the tutelage of ever youthful Mick Douglas.Eira Gorman wrote a mini-marathon diary, whilst we read abbot Oisin Daly & Graham Byrne having a toy sale which raised £12.19 for the local SVP. A full page ad in the Bugle would have set you back £20.

1 comment:

Convenor said...

Dear Ballymore,

Could you post a link to a Kildare blog, please:
