Monday, March 17, 2008

Tim’s Diary
Brought to you this month by Specsavers…you should have gone there….

A wonderful turn-out at the Ballymore People of the Year Awards a week or so ago. Fitting tribute to Tommy, Frankie and Martin who for years have kept or village “special.” We are running out of Deegans to nominate so get cracking for next year. A wonderful turnout of local politicos saw Sean Power, Jack Wall, Billy Hillis and J.J. Power take a break from the four funerals and a wedding circuit.
Had a bit of skite to London last week, onward from there on the Eurostar to Paris under the sea. Paris was great but London has gotten so expensive. And No I didn’t get engaged.
The Bishop, Eamonn Walsh came down to talk to the parish Board of Management during February. He is a very personable man and you will read more about his plans in both the Bell and The Bugle in the near future.
What is the population of Ireland? I don’t know but Noel Thompson does..
Great racing Saturday gone by. Kicking King disappointing but Kauto does look the business. I think the Paddies will do well enough. Go down to Pat’s to see Chappers and The Breener at the preview. Two men who never blow about their losers but give out to you when they tip winners. I can’t wait. Wonderful news of the sponsorship by Ballymore of the Punchestown Saturday. I hope it brings out the punters,especially the local ones.

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