Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bits N Bobs with Rose

Roman holiday for Bridgid -

Congratulations to Bridget Byrne (nee Whelan) who celebrated her 80th birthday earlier this year. Two years ago, her husband Des came ‘home’ for his 80th and was re-united with many friends and former colleagues from the Wolfe Tone Brass and Reed Band.
I’m told Bridget said she didn’t want a fuss – oh, Readers, beware the woman that says “You needn’t go to any bother, I don’t expect a big present…” Many is the romance that faltered on that belief.

Well, Bridgid’s family did have a little get together, champagne and cake, cuddles and craic. And the cake carried a very personal message; “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” – apparently, a commonly used phrase of the birthday girl.
Apart from the ‘big cake/small party”, Bridgid and Des were whisked off to Rome for a holiday with son Conor doing the honours as tour guide.

Clever Bridgid. That woman is crafty… I’d wave a ‘big party’ and settle for champagne, a ‘small party’ and a Roman Holiday anytime. My offspring, take note.
In the meantime, welcome home to Bridget and Des and members of the Whelan family who are coming home in April or May?


Yes Readers, it has started again – yawn – the vandalism at the River Walk and sporadic incidences around the village. Of course, when it doesn’t hit you directly, you don’t get too excited about it, someone else’s problem… WRONG. The only positive way to counteract mindless vandalism which affects everyone at some stage is to keep a vigilant lookout and communicate ‘suspicous’ happenings to neighbours and local gardai.
(I know, we don’t really have a local guard at the moment). Recently, the seating at the River Walk has been smashed, totally decimated with young trees disturbed and branches cut.
Ballymore Eustace does not have a population of aggressive youth above the national average – every other village or community faces the same challenges we do…..Youth of a certain age get bored, hang out, do what youth have always done, sneak a forbidden fag, can of beer, smoke a joint (if you think that’s not an issue in Ballymore at the moment, then put your head under the blanket and go back to ga-ga land). But why do they spray- paint signage, smash outdoor furniture, break trees, uproot plants etc. (You would do something daft too if you had smoked a few joints and had a few beers…)
Pity that energy can’t be used to chop logs or do some maintenance upkeep for an elderly person who needs a hand.
We have become far too blasé about mindless vandalism; recently, a commercial vehicle parked in a local housing estate was ruined – the expensive artwork and advertising details painted over. As a result, that local resident now has to drive the van back to a base depot every day and use his own vehicle to get to and from work, requiring extra travel time and the company are furious at the huge expense this “bit of idle craic” has cost them.

Parents, take note – if your little darling’s designer clothes has paint on it, don’t accept
“We were painting a chair in Religious Studies, Mammy”… Little darlings of a certain age shouldn’t be wandering the streets late at night. What the hell for, what is there to entertain them in the dark?
They should be at home driving their parents mad, not someone else. If you know a gang of youth are up to no good, residents should keep one another informed and parents should be told if their children are causing a nuisance or damaging someone else’s property. No one is saying these kids are bad news long-term and no-one can say their own children are angels above approach.
There’s far too much ‘turn a blind eye and say nothing’ in today’s society – until it comes to your own door and then you will feel very differently.


perform in Dunlavin Festival

The Milltown Singers featuring our own Sean Murphy and other local voices will perform ‘The Mikado Operetta’ over the Dunlavin Festival Weekend, 15, 16 and 17 June.
The concert takes place at Milltown Farm (Barry and Mary Deering’s) – contact Hilary at 045 483765 for tickets/bookings.


PLEASE, please pop into the Resource Centre on Sunday next, 22nd April about 12.15 if you haven’t already bought your tickets for the CDA Raceweek Raffle. There are super prizes to give away – monster hamper with champagne, port, whiskey, wines, chocs, candles and other goodies; tickets to Punchestown with Reserved Enclosure passes; tickets to Naas Racecourse; Superb Waterford Crystal Decanter Set; Cosmetic Gift Sets, Gift Vouchers, plus load so runner-up prizes

Tickets on sale in local shops and from any of the committee members – Rose, Mary Deegan, Eric Firth, Fiona Breslin, Trish Donnelly, Maurice Mason and Kay Nolan.
Book of 4 for €5 only or €1.50 each.

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