Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bits N Bobs with Rose
As there was no response whatsoever to our request last month for volunteers to come forward to help organise the Annual Festival Week in conjunction with National Hunt Racing at Punchestown, we are not in a position to go ahead with this year’s festival. With only March and a few weeks to go to raceweek, it would not be feasible for two or three people on the festival committee to ‘run the whole show’.
Shame, no Festival Queen, No Parade, No Talent Night, No Fancy Dress, No Band in the Square….. Hopefully, events like The Fishing Competition sponsored by Mick Murphys will go ahead – if any businesses or local clubs are going ahead with fundraisers or events during raceweek, please contact THE BUGLE – we are happy to promote.
The Festival Committee, sub committee of the CDA
After 33 years as a member of the Garda Suiochana, Detective John McCarville is retiring from the force shortly. Twenty seven years of his career have been spent in Blessington and John is certainly a man who can claim to have established a good working relationship with the community he served, having supported GAA, Senior Citizens Association, Scoil Mhuire, The Church of The Immaculate Conception and many more local groups. (John was previously chosen as Ballymore Eustace Person of The Year Awards).
John has always been a great neighbour – despite his busy work schedule, he was always on hand for school and sport runs, had time for visiting neighbours and always there to give a ‘dig out’. Bear in mind, I only mention his community work in Ballymore Eustace; he is highly thought of in Blessington and surrounding areas for similarly being a decent citizen and an active, effective member of the Gardai.
We wish him all the best in his retirement – whilst he is retiring from the force, I expect he will still be as busy in his community endeavours.
TV3 ‘Woeful Weatherman’
Martin whats-his-face, with the wink and ‘click-click’ drives me bananas. Actually, I used to like him but he was recently nominated for TV Personality of the Year Award and by God, was I sick of his half-edjit stunts churned out every few minutes on TV3 for the past few weeks.
I listen to the channel early mornings, 7.30-9am. Martin appeared in gombeen rugby kit urging viewers to vote for him; then we had different snippets of him as your favourite weather man (whose favourite weather man?) but worst of all, was Woeful Woeman Martin dressed in graduate cape and cap, teaching children in a mock classroom scene how to text on a mobile and of course, how to vote for Martin…..
“Vote” for your TV Personality of the Year? What a joke, TV3 practically bought votes for their nominee by constantly pumping his name across the screen. Last year, we had a similar tactic for Mark Cagney but nothing as tacky as this year’s stunts.
Can you imagine if our nominees for the Person of The Year Award resorted to this?
Grania Glancy giving out free apple tarts to secure votes or Gerry Bell offering 10% discount on next year’s Christmas trees……….
I found the whole thing vulgarly staged and uninteresting. Thankfully, Martin did not win TV Personality of The Year Award at the recent Irish Television and Film Awards. Those awards should be judged on the nominees presentation/communication skills and not the channel who promotes its candidate morning, noon and night.
Stick to the weather, Martin, the little pictures of fluffy clouds and yellow suns won’t test your talents.

La le Bhride
I was sitting in Alice’s Restaurant, Moat Mall, Naas recently when I noticed a woman beavering away making St Bridget crosses with great speed and skill. Being the nosey cow I am, I got talking to her and she gave me a large cross to take back to the Leader office. I am ashamed to say I’ve forgotten her name and as Alice’s has no telephone number listed, I couldn’t source the name for this piece. She was even featured on RTE the Sunday before St Bridgets Day…. How nice it was to see this little coffee shop maintaining an Irish tradition and it was wonderful to watch her in action – honestly, it took her mere minutes to transform a bunch of reeds into the recognisable Celtic cross, so immediately identifiable.

Well done to Audrey McNally who recently hosted a Women’s Event in aid of the local Desperate Housewife’s Syndicate. The purpose of the event was to relieve the stresses of strains of busy home and career women, an opportunity to criss-cross experiences of the modern home maker, single career women and the challenges of the modern female.
The Woman Voted Entrpeneur on the Night was The Fortune Teller.
The food wasn’t bad either, Audrey…..

Paddy The Irishman was the most intelligent man in Ireland. He was the president of the Irish branch of Mensa, had won a million pounds on Who wants to be a Millionaire, and was Professor of Astro-physics at the Paddy Institute of Technology. One day he was in the pub (as Irishmen do) and his mates were telling him that he should appear on Mastermind, the quiz where the most intelligent men on the planet, show their superior brain power. So he filled in the forms and sure enough was called up, and over to London he went to appear on the show. The moment came when he was called up to the chair, to be questioned."Paddy, what is your specialist subject?""Irish History""Paddy your minute starts now. Who was the leader of the Irish Revolution?""Pass""In what year was the revolution?""Pass""How many men died during the Easter Revolution?""Pass""What was the name of the British informer who helped the rebels?""Pass"All of a sudden, his friend stood up in the audience and roared "Good man Paddy, tell the English nothing"

Please note, this joke is not intended to offend any other Nationality and pokes fun at the roots of our history. It is a joke, not an incitement to be violent to our neighbours. I repeat, it is a joke- Rose

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